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How Ethnology is immortalising stories of the ancients on-chain

For centuries, communities around the world have told legends about their cultures. Many are forgotten to the sands of time, and lost. Ethnology is building a community to immortalising the totems of cultural groups. Micah Ray explores their new series and speaks to founders Pablo Garcia and Matt Ashcroft about the arduous process of hand-drawing a 10k PFP collection.

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Film3 and the woman driving a blockchain movement to revolutionise Hollywood

Jordan Bayne is the shining inspiration behind web3's attempts to upturn the filmmaking industry, inspire under-represented voices, and leverage community-led IP to tell completely new stories. She speaks to Mark Fielding about the film3 movement, and why it changes everything for filmmakers.

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“Music is the universal language” – how Nissi Ogulu is using blockchain to showcase African culture

Lagos-born and London-based, Nissi Ogulu is telling stories about the breadth of African musical culture. The artist talks to Clovis McEvoy about her recent exhibition, African creativity, and how web3 is making a career in art accessible.

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Inside 9dcc: gmoney reveals his vision to bring luxury fashion onchain

Luxury fashion has long been touted as a major web3 use case. gmoney's 9dcc fashion house is the first of its kind, a fully web3-native brand aiming to reinvent the luxury fashion sector. “Our team is eager to inspire other luxury houses to create networked products that retain connection, value, and utility,” he explains to Culture3.

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Why a designer for Apple and Justin Bieber turned to blockchain for the next step in his career

Born to a technical botanical artist and a stained-glass window painter, Kidmograph has worked with the likes of Justin Bieber, The Weeknd, and Apple, his digital art and 3D GIFs portraying futuristic and acid-inducing surrealism. He speaks to Steph Kunkel about experimenting with a plethora of mediums, his creative approach, and why NFTs are a much needed innovation.

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From keystrokes to brush strokes — how NFTs “freed" Anthony Azekwoh

Anthony Azekwoh's first work as a creator was with words. But the writer never left canvas behind after being pushed into art by a broken laptop. He speaks to Ola Kalejaye about learning new skills for a new medium, presenting his work as his brand, and how the art community in Nigeria has been aided by NFTs.

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“I had no manager and no label” – how singer Violetta Zironi built a career on the blockchain

After a burgeoning music career that stalled during Covid, Violetta Zironi wanted to do more than TikTok lip syncs. Speaking to Clovis McEvoy, she explains how web3 has enabled her to “find my people” and truly create the music that she wants to create.

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The Sutuverse: a game 15 years in the making, made possible by blockchain

With Sony, Google, and deadmau5 collabs on his CV, Sutu is now taking his own project to a new level with NFTs. The Webby-awarded visual artist speaks to Randy Ginsburg about his plans to build the next big web3 IP set through AR and gaming.

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“When I started minting NFTs, it suddenly all clicked for me” — in conversation with Noortje Stortelder

Dutch-born, Noortje Stortelder combines different techniques across multiple mediums. The digital follows up on the analogue, but can also be a source of inspiration by itself. In conversation with Nina Knaack, she discusses her artistic journey and how making NFTs gave her the recognition and freedom that she had been searching for throughout her career.

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