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“I was going to make music or die trying” – Jagwar Twin on eclectic sounds, letting AI run his Twitter, and what blockchain is good for

Known for his eclectic music and innovative multi-media projects, Jagwar Twin is using the power of blockchain to take his immersive storytelling to a new level. The artist sat down with Clovis McEvoy to talk about the new album, his unusual approach to social media, and letting fans explore a prism of his own mind.

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How token-gated communities are reimagining storytelling online

What makes humanity unique is our capacity for storytelling. NFTs add a fundamental new dimension to this ancient craft. By distributing IP ownership, web3 makes it possible for thousands of people to collaborate on building a story. Akansha Jain explores what makes the best stand out.

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Diving into Golden: using web3 to equip the world with all the knowledge it needs

Wikipedia is one of the world's greatest examples of human collaboration. But it's not without its flaws. By giving contributors ownership of their contributions, Golden lets them profit from their insight and wants to offer knowledge on every topic that world needs. Ekin Genç speaks to Jude Gomila about how he's building it.

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Blockchain companies are trying to take over the smartphone sector – will it work?

Using web3 today comes with extensive frictions that hold back global adoption. Vlad Falin explains how web3's mobile innovations can remove them by rebuilding the operating systems they run on and profiles the leading mainstream manufacturers and web3-natives who are making it happen.

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New tune, same instruments: the changing landscape of web3 music labels

“Ideally an artist who passes through us will have learned everything there is to know about making it on their own.” Clovis McEvoy speaks with founders and industry experts about how web3 is redefining record labels, and what it means for artists.

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“Your vision has to be bigger than your obstacles” — David Bianchi on the future of film and poetry

David Bianchi has hundreds of professional credits and is critically acclaimed in mainstream film and poetry, but it was NFTs that made him really pinch himself. He speaks to Mark Fielding about how he's combining spoken word and cinema, and why NFTs are “one of the most important events in art history.”

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From working for brands to branding himself — Rik Oostenbroek on digital art and his love for web3

A self-taught digital artist, Rik Oostenbroek has made art for the likes of Nike, Apple, and Adobe over a two-decade career. He speaks to Nina Knaack about dropping out of his economics degree, seeing respect given to digital artists, and expressing your(self).

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Bonsai on blockchain: how former Google engineer Lawrence Rogers is innovating with fully onchain art

An ex-Googler, Lawrence toyed with the idea of working at a start-up after leaving the web2 giant. But after delving deeper into web3, the technologist and creative saw a chance to combine both interests in NFTs. He talks to Steph Kunkel about bringing collaboration and time into his art, creating entirely generative and onchain pieces, why smart contract technology is revolutionary.

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Webaverse: creating a metaverse platform that's open to everyone

With $120bn investment in 2022, the metaverse has soared ahead of the crypto space. But with attention from major players like Facebook and Microsoft, it's natural to worry how original the technology will be. Randy Ginsburg dives into Webaverse, the democratised, interoperable, and cross-platform software that CEO Ahad Shams plans to turn into the operating system of the open metaverse.

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