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Culture3 Time Horizons: Looking Ahead to 2023

The 2020s promises to be a breakout decade for web3. We explore the top ten applications of the tech to emerge in 2023 and beyond, and chart when they're likely to make their mark. Read the full list to learn why we're optimistic about NFT ticketing, music licensing, zero-knowledge proofs, and more.

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How change happens in web3 – and how to predict the next chapter for blockchain

The collective aim of cryptocurrency began as a decentralised global currency. But on the road to becoming a multi-trillion dollar sector, what was once a small subculture has become a highly diverse ecosystem. Paul Dylan-Ennis explores the core principles that govern how change happens in web3.

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Berk Kaan Kaya – creating a landscape of emotions through digital art

Berk Kaan Kaya doesn't create calming spaces for clients. He extends “peace of mind” into the virtual world. He speaks to Steph Kunkel about connecting human mood to digital environment, and how his dreamscapes build a backdrop for collectors to imagine their own safe havens.

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“There's a real sense of belonging” — tech, community, and culture with Sian Morson

Sian Morson has spent her career championing community and diversity. But she’s also a technologist who knows how to leverage tech to have a cultural impact. She sat down with Leo Nasskau to discuss making tech accessible, authentic communities, and The Blk Chain. Lea Rose Emery tells the story.

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Jordan Banks on pushing the limits of web3 photography

Jordan Banks is best known for his stunning landscapes and portraits, but he's also trying to elevate other photographers alongside him. He speaks to Randy Ginsburg about his journey to digital ownership, creative freedom, and the JRNY Mag.

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Digital fashion is already here, but it needs blockchain to thrive

NFC chips have become standard practice for connecting physical items to the blockchain. Now LTD.INC is taking the technology a step further, offering collectors unique experiences alongside their physical and digital goods. Randy Ginsburg speaks to LTD.INC CEO Daryl Kelly about what blockchain means for the future of consumer culture.

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Culture in our “post-human era” — in conversation with Sasha Stiles

Text artificially generated by large language models has captivated the global discourse. Just know that Sasha Stiles was there first. She speaks to Ola Kalejaye about creating art alongside a machine, the role of technology in augmenting, not replacing, human capabilities, and why the natural home for her poetry is in web3.

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How putting music on the blockchain helped Domino connect with his closest fans

A breakout star in web3 music, Domino broke new ground with the release of Presessence Vol.1. As he prepares for the release of his follow-up album, the artist sits down with Clovis McEvoy to talk about Rolling Stone, the magic of music, and what it takes to build an independent career.

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Music licensing is broken, and Dequency is fixing it in a way that only web3 can

Dequency has been making waves since launching last year. Web3’s flagship sync-licensing marketplace conducted the first ever music licence onchain and is leveraging web3 tools to build a better licensing system. Clovis McEvoy speaks to founder and CEO, Keatly Haldeman, about why he made the transition from web2, how to fix royalty payments, and crowdsourcing musical taste.

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