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You’ll need art on those walls – what does your metaverse look like?

Web2 platforms typically degrade into status games where we’re all competing for an algorithm’s attention. Charlotte Eytan argues that web3 enables a more balanced and accessible environment for art curation, creating an ecosystem where conventionally distinct terms like collecting, curating, and even creating become almost indistinguishable. But this should not stop us recognising the value that curators, with expertise, lived experience, and a trained eye, can bring to the space.

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Inside the project building on Banksy's Walled Off Hotel to inspire a combination between traditional art and NFTs

Banksy's Walled Off Hotel Box Set defines a new landmark for the growing overlap between traditional and NFT art. Launched by LCD Labs, their NFT collection gives collectors a chance to access one of history's most legendary artists — but it leaves them with a choice. Léa Rose Emery explores how the team are distributing 1,000 Banksy artworks, how NFTs and traditional art intersect, and what it means for NFTs.

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How blockchain gave Netflix and Nickelodeon animator Brandon Mighty a renewed fearlessness

Humbled by the pioneering community of artists and collectors in web3, Brandon Mighty has been inspired to pursue unadulterated creativity in NFTs, even story ideas that might be “too strange”. Georgie Miller sits down with the animator and illustrator to discuss what it means to further his professional art career from a new, experimental perspective.

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“Art saved me in a really profound way” — culture, society, and femininity through the eyes of a blockchain creator

Tan-Tan is synthesising an entirely new style of art on web3. Indian-born and trained in the Flemish style, she speaks to Ola Kalejaye about overcoming imposter syndrome by developing her own style, how her feminism manifests in her art, and how an individual can change society.

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Chart-topper: Why British rapper Aitch turned to the blockchain to build the next chapter of his music

One of the UK's most exciting musical talents, Aitch tells Culture3 why NFTs were “an obvious step” and how he is leaning into the blockchain to build a stronger relationship with his fans. Clovis McEvoy explains what makes this is a big step for web3, Aitch, and LimeWire — and why it is one to watch.

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Why a Game of Thrones and Disney illustrator is building his new portfolio on the blockchain

Best known for drawing Game of Thrones’ Iron Throne, Marc Simonetti is an exceptionally diverse concept artist, with Aladdin, Aquaman, and Transformers amongst the classics on his resume. Yet it is in web3 where Marc has found the freedom to fully explore his creativity. He speaks to Steph Kunkel about creating magical worlds that we have never seen before.

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How Ebuka Mordi became an Adobe photographer with just an iPhone

Ebuka Mordi prides himself in his ability to "pick up any device" and create an incredible image. To him, what matters is 'how was this photo made?', not 'what was used to take this?' He spoke to Signal about the method behind his rapid success in the space, and why web3 is a much better place to produce his work than in his native Nigeria.

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“Crypto is the protest sign of the 21st century” — how blockchain provided a medium for Robness’ message

ROBNESS was one of the earliest artists to NFTs, but not everyone in the space would call him an artist. The self-proclaimed 'King of Trash Art' is the OG crypto provocateur, and he spoke to Ola Kalejaye about what makes art art, and why blockchain is the natural successor to Occupy Wall Street.

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“We’re always looking for stories” — Henry Daubrez on AI and the art of directing

Henry Daubrez speaks with Léa Rose Emery about the surprising twists of working with AI, the “playground” of Tezos, and the importance of storytelling.

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