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Powering $100 billion already, Sam Duncan is using AI to make capitalism care about the climate

The quest to make companies care about the climate is a decades-long struggle, but technology, particularly AI, represents a transformative opportunity to put a company's net purpose in the same conversation as their net profit. The secret? Follow the money.

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AI in music is an “unpredictable diva” — this is what it sounds like

Artificial intelligence looms over the creative industries, but The Cotton Modules show how the tech unlocks new opportunities for those willing to tinker. The pair sit down with Clovis McEvoy to discuss music technology, ethics, and creative sparks that come from working with an AI vocalist — and it's so much more than imitation.

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Rewiring Democracy: can society control its tech destiny?

At the height of Henry Ford’s influence, the industrialist used the media, exhibitions, and became the world’s largest film distributor to mould the United States into a car-loving country.

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What if the Smithsonian was curated by the internet?

Museums haven't changed for centuries. Embracing the wisdom of crowds, Arkive uses blockchain to reinvent them, coordinating thousands of curators who vote to acquire and exhibit items all over the world. Co-founder Jordan Topoleski tells Mariquita de Boissière how they plan to reshape the cultural landscape.

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Showing off: can NFT status symbols drive mainstream adoption?

When will digital ownership go mainstream? What are the cultural vehicles that can make this possible? Where are the roadblocks? Ben Roy makes it his business to consider such questions, and he sat down with Leo Nasskau to offer some answers. Clovis McEvoy tells the story.

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A new roadmap for musicians: how web3 is transforming what it means to tour

Having wrapped up a North American tour earlier this year, singer-songwriter Rae Isla is pioneering a new approach to sharing music. She speaks with Clovis McEvoy about tokenised touring, what makes good memorabilia, and the importance of an artist’s community.

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Yat Siu on why the internet needs a Magna Carta moment

Yat Siu has a completely different vision for the metaverse to almost everyone else. And at the helm of an investment portfolio worth $5 billion, his perspective is as important as it is empowering.

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Inside the reinvention of co-living communities

Throughout history, humans have organised in communities. From nomadic tribes to 21st century metropolises, common geography, economy, and culture has always made for a community. With thousands of members who coordinate with a token, Cabin is reinventing what that looks like.

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Future or fad: will headless brands rewrite the book on branding?

The blockchain ecosystem is built on decentralisation, and a new form of brands are getting built on top. Tyler Scharf explores the emergence of decentralised ‘headless’ brands, how traditional brands like adidas and Nike are getting involved, and whether this new model of branding is future or fad.

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