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“Art saved me” — how web3 reached an Indian cult and empowered Joanna's self-expression

Joanna captures images of the ordinary and overlays her work with self-portraits, creating ethereal compositions that shed a light on mental health. She spoke to Steph Kunkel about her journey growing up in a restrictive Indian cult, and how web3 empowered her to embrace her individual identity and self-expression.

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“NFTs revolutionised art. In my particular case, they changed my life” — in conversation with Anibal Argañaraz

Blending traditional oil techniques with digital tools, Anibal Argañaraz is a leading figure in the digital expressionism style. The Argentine artist sat down with Georgie Miller to explore the layers of meaning in his art and why NFTs are a revolution that changed his life.

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Downstream: the start-ups curating our future web3 music experience

“NFT marketplaces revolve around the idea of holding, or flipping, or all sorts of financial transactions. But when I talk to people, that's not what they're excited about – they're excited about the art.” From payments to engagement, a new generation of streaming platforms are moving the web3 music industry forward. Clovis McEvoy surveys the ecosystem.

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“From my dreams to your eyes” – how web3 has unleashed Swickie’s creative power

Swickie was always a creative, but as a web2 marketer always felt constrained. eb3 gave her the ability to build a brand on her own terms. She speaks to Mariquita de Boissière about building #TeamKiki with her Bored Ape and discovering herself as a multi-disciplinary artist in her own right.

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Personal Tokens: what they are and how they work

Randy Ginsburg explains how Vitalik Buterin’s newest vision could change your life and become a foundation of a decentralised society.

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Mad Realities: where engagement beats views

Community-led content is the future of storytelling and its natural home is in web3. Mad Realities is at the forefront of this new medium. Randy Ginsburg dives in to see how far they've come and explore if they can make it work.

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How blockchain entrepreneurs are trying to save the creator economy

“If Instagram or TikTok disappeared, as a creative who uses these channels to create content or share your work, you would lose what you built, your audience, and your work created on those platforms.” Protocols like the402, Glass, and Zora are working to change this.

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Expanding the Cosmos: an introduction to Layer 0

How Layer 0 solutions like Cosmos are creating a decentralised 'Internet of Blockchains'. Randy Ginsburg explains how, in doing so, Cosmos can create a blockchain ecosystem that could scale to power the entire world.

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Bloomberg’s Zain Verjee explains why world leaders know ‘blockchain is coming’ and why she swapped CNN for NFTs

Zain Verjee began her career as the midnight love show DJ in Nairobi, and made it as a towering figure in journalism during 15 years at CNN. She speaks to Leo Nasskau about swapping CNN for NFTs, what blockchain could do for journalism, and how Africa can embrace web3 to have a transformative impact on the continent. Léa Rose Emery tells the story.

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