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The world is built for men. Is virtual reality next?

From seatbelts to office temperatures, the world is built for men. In its history so far, virtual reality has gone the same way, with headsets that don't fit a large portion of female faces.

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Can virtual reality solve climate change?

Researchers are increasingly looking to virtual reality to explain the climate crisis in new, impactful ways. From ecotourism to education to direct action, Clovis McEvoy explores how VR is cutting through the noise to communicate the planet’s greatest issue.

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AI can feed the world, but at what cost?

AI and other frontier technologies will help the world feed the world’s rapidly expanding population. But how will technology affect the 1 billion people who earn their livelihood as farmers? If AI can really feed the world, what is the right price to pay?

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TLDL: The Economics of the AI Revolution, with David McWilliams and Eric Lonergan

The board of ChatGPT may be firing its CEO, but that doesn't mean this revolution is slowing down. A whistle-stop tour from the dawn of time with Stanley Kubrick, to Gutenberg in 1453, and up to now, we look at the economics of innovation. Here's our bullet-point summary of the podcast between David McWilliams and Eric Lonergan.

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“I don’t think we would be happy if everything was easy.”

Working at music’s digital frontier, Portrait XO shows how the future of AI can have a place for us all. She tells Clovis McEvoy about the release of her newest AI creation, the importance of creative struggle, and why society looks to artists to show the true shape of disruptive technology.

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How extended reality is helping the high street fight back

The rise of extended reality has prompted new hope for high street retailers, with brick-and-mortar stores racing to implement new ways to reach their customers. Randy Ginsburg investigates the technology promising to transform how we shop.

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Can moodboards turn social media into a force for good?

How can society generate more positive visions for our future? Social media is a natural place to start. Priyanka Kanse tells us how her moodboard media network hopes to change how we share ideas, connect with others, and how we understand the world.

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Mochi wants to let you make an AI model with your friends

If you want to make an AI model, it helps to have $100m. That risks putting our AI future in the few hands of companies able to pay. Can a games company find a way to put AI in the hands of anyone?

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Scott Young uses AI to push the limits of sound

Scott Young’s work shows the experimental possibilities of AI-powered music. He speaks to Clovis McEvoy about his latest EP, the power of sound, and how AI might shape the future music industry.

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