Culture3 / Blog / Art


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From picking up a camera to National Geographic, Dilek Uyar on why she’s creating in web3

F. Dilek Uyar is a lawyer and photographer from Ankara, Turkey. She’s won the National Geographic Travel Photographer award and over 200 others. In conversation with Nina Knaack, she discusses the power of art, the necessity of making yourself heard, and how hard that can be, especially as a woman in Turkey and in web3.

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“New and fresh and meaningful” — Ana Maria Caballero on literature's future in web3

Poems sell for thousands of dollars these days. Ana Maria Caballero has played a key role in bringing about the change. She speaks in depth to Leo Nasskau about her poetry and what's coming next, her poetry collective theVERSEverse, and her journey in web3. Lea Rose Emery tells the story.

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“I call it the degen-aissance” — in conversation with Josh Wagner

For 100 years cinema has been controlled by the suits, wielding their power over what gets made, when it gets made and who profits. Josh Wagner is on a mission to blaze a new path that favours creators over committees, community over control, and participation over profits. He speaks with Mark Fielding about Virtue Animation, the Basemint Gang and the future of animation.

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“My art is my autobiography” — Awelewa Charles’ journey to NFTs

An award-winning artist, Awelewa used photography to turn his neurodiversity into an advantage. The Nigerian and one-time writer speaks to Antony Rahman about his creative process, using “regular people” as his models, and the highs and lows of his artistic journey.

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How blockchain propelled Tania Rivilis to become one of the world’s most respected portrait painters

Tania Rivilis’ plywood portraiture explores the consciousness of the characters she paints, depicting our identities and the relations between them. Her bold colours and brushstrokes create rich characters whose lives expand beyond the frame. She speaks to Steph Kunkel about making sense of history, and why she does it via NFTs.

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Film3: building a new vision for the film industry from the ground up

One of the co-partners behind the NFT Film Squad, Julian Flores admits he “knows zero about making films.” Instead, the entrepreneur and marketer speaks to Mark Fielding about the strategies that web3 filmmakers can use to deliver better experiences than Hollywood, and how he's helping Cameron Van Hoy and Miguel Faus on some of the world's groundbreaking film3 projects.

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How Anonymoux became one of the most influential collectors in NFTs

Anonymoux has built a reputation for spotting – and supporting – artists before they're picked up by anyone else. He spoke to Signal about how he collects, why investing in good people matters above anything else, and why “good things happen when you invest in good people.”

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“I was going to make music or die trying” – Jagwar Twin on eclectic sounds, letting AI run his Twitter, and what blockchain is good for

Known for his eclectic music and innovative multi-media projects, Jagwar Twin is using the power of blockchain to take his immersive storytelling to a new level. The artist sat down with Clovis McEvoy to talk about the new album, his unusual approach to social media, and letting fans explore a prism of his own mind.

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How token-gated communities are reimagining storytelling online

What makes humanity unique is our capacity for storytelling. NFTs add a fundamental new dimension to this ancient craft. By distributing IP ownership, web3 makes it possible for thousands of people to collaborate on building a story. Akansha Jain explores what makes the best stand out.

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