Culture3 / Blog / Art


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C3 is a sole voice against tyranny, powered by NFTs

C3 describes himself as a political artist, his work is anti-regime, and his mission is to share what is happening in Iran, a country he describes “as the end of the world.” He speaks to Signal about his early mistakes in web3, his battles he had — alone on the internet — with depression, and his advice for new artists.

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“My photographs were appreciated so much more in the digital environment” — in conversation with Deniz Kalayci

“It’s fun to look at the world from a different perspective, from new angles.” Deniz Kalayci expresses herself through photography. Georgie Miller caught up with her to hear about the stories, her globe-trotting collections, and why she loves the streets.

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“Now, the artist has a chance to be heard on their own” — in conversation with Taya Ferdinand

“I would rather create art about losers and give them a spotlight.” Georgie Miller sits down with Taya Ferdinand to explore the message behind the melancholy and the role of roosters in Taya's digital paintings, and how web3 gave her an opportunity that she couldn't turn down.

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How finance and digital art intersects in web3 – in conversation with Mando and OSF

Mando and OSF have gone from ordinary collectors to community builders noticed by the likes of Snoop Dogg. They sat down with Signal to understand the secrets to their success, what happened to the 150 Bored Apes they minted, and what they think is missing from the NFT space.

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How NFTs connected Francien Krieg to a community that loved her art

Francien Krieg asks the questions that nobody else asks through her portraits. The Dutch painter has been exploring the topic of human transcience for decades; web3 has given her an audience she never had. She sat down with Leo Nasskau to discuss her journey, her artwork, and the concept of ageing.

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