Culture3 / Blog / Art


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Will Zwey on rebelling against creative constraints through digital art

Former architect and death metal musician Will Zwey can show you a place you’ve always known and yet have somehow never been. She tells Michael Newkirk about breaking free from creative constraints on the blockchain and building worlds where past meets future.

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Digital culture has found a home on the blockchain – here's how artists are benefitting

Web3 is revolutionising the way that art is created, shared, and owned. By providing new avenues for tokenising and selling art, NFTs are building a new ecosystem, opening the door for artists to earn a living from their work and experience more creative freedom than ever before.

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“AI gives everyone a superpower” – how artificial intelligence is revolutionising creativity

After buying a CryptoPunk, ClownVamp didn’t get the satisfaction that he expected. He’s since used the proceeds to collect thousands of AI artworks, whilst his own work has been collected by the likes of Claire Silver, Zancan, and the Tezos Foundation. He explains why AI art is in a boom era, how to collect it, and which AI artists to pay attention to.

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Rob McElhenney's new storytelling platform is using blockchain to rethink creativity

Adimverse is creating a new way of storytelling. Using creator rooms, they introduce a collaborative aspect to character creation. But what is truly special about their model is that they allow each and every contributor to hold IP rights, as well as to collect royalties.

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Nathaniel Stern on creating a cyber-natural future on the blockchain

For Nathaniel Stern, life extends far further than the human experience. Connecting the dots between human feeling, nature, and technology, he explores the endless bounds of sensibility through his art. He speaks to Ola Kalejaye about The World After Us, and using art to ensure that world is good.

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How ocean photographer Angel is making waves in web3

Angel’s path from bartender to renowned NFT artist is characterised by resilience and an unshakeable creative urge. She sits down with Mariquita de Boissière to talk about the healing power of colour and how not sweating the small things can inspire creative breakthroughs.

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How The Passage is redefining what it means to buy digital art

Despite rapid advancements in crypto art, the process of purchasing it remains soulless. An immersive gallery in which every choice matters, Antony Rahman explores how The Passage reinterprets how we should buy digital art.

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Rutger van der Tas on finding the missing link in generative art

In crypto since 2015 and one of the first to mint his art in 2019, Rutger van der Tas is one of web3’s original creators. A seasoned advocate for the opportunities that web3 can bring, the painter and digital artist sits with Nina Knaack to discuss finding the next step in generative art and creating a space for every emotion.

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Piter Pasma on pushing the boundaries of code with generative art

Initially drawn to art through his love for comics and illustration, Piter Pasma has always displayed a creative flare. But, after his entry into coding at only nine years old, Piter soon became entranced by the aesthetic potential of generative art. He tells Nina Knaack about pushing the boundaries of code, and why he believes that NFTs and generative art make for a perfect match.

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