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The communities that want to upgrade your game in web3

You can't make the most of web3 with just a cursory overview. That's why platforms to help you dive deep on how you can use the tech to engage with the world are critical. Randy Ginsburg explores the top platforms and communities dedicated to taking web3 education behind the explainer.

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Why charities and NFTs are natural partners

Non-profits and web3 organisations can work together to organically build support for key endeavours, with charities getting access to a new generation of donors and blockchain projects enhancing their ability to build community and do good for the world.

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Crypto is doomed to tribalism until it hits the mainstream

Crypto's tribal culture is rooted to its libertarian origins, but that has to be reconciled with the crypto ecosystem's emphasis on 'genius individuals'. Tyler Scharf explores how the conflict between genius and non-hierarchy leads to factions and conflict.

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Dispatch from Denver: Ethereum Builds through the Bear Market

Tens of thousands of enthusiasts gathered for the world's largest Ethereum conference in Denver, Colorado. Jeff Benson explores how the builders are shaping up during the bear market.

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Charity's Next Generation of Donors gets Unlocked with Web3

The demographics of giving are changing, with younger donors who increasingly identify as philanthropists donating more, and more often, than past generations. This new wave of donors coincides with major adopters of blockchain-based web3 technologies, presenting an opportunity to engage a particularly generous and dedicated donor base.

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NFTs aren't dead, but NFT Paris showed that blockchain hasn't cut through just yet

The first big NFT conference of the year was NFT Paris, with attendance from Brigitte Macron and thousands of crypto-natives, making it one of Europe’s landmark web3 conferences. Nina Knaack reviews the event and explains what made it special, and what missed the mark.

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TezQuakeAid shows a new way to change the world

TezQuakeAid is bringing the Tezos community together to provide emergency assistance to the disaster-stricken regions of Turkey and Syria. Clovis McEvoy speaks with some of the organisers about the essential work they are doing, and how their organisation might serve as a blueprint for future campaigns.

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What the Yacht Club teaches brands that want to stay on top of the world

NFTs promise to shake up digital ownership, with widespread implications for branding. Yuga Lab’s Bored Ape Yacht Club took the unusual step of handing commercial IP right to its holders, remaining the poster child for commercial IP in the web3 space. Mariquita de Bossière catches up with some of the community members and legacy brands to find out what this means for businesses.

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How to pick an NFT conference in 2023 – and why Twitter sometimes gets it wrong

Web3's conference calendar is more full than ever before, with 10 major NFT events between February and May. Signal explains how to pick in a crowded calendar.

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