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LimeWire has a new plan to transform music – can they finally make NFTs cool?

Under new ownership, LimeWire is reinventing itself as an music NFT marketplace. A deal with Universal Music, fiat payments, and innovative ways to engage means that LimeWire could become the NBA Top Shot of music.

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New developments on the block: why the $10 trillion real estate industry should run on blockchain

Real estate is a $10 trillion sector, and too much of it is done on paper. With blockchain, NFTs, and smart contracts, web3 has much to offer one of history's oldest industries. Ekin Genç dives into some of the companies bringing web3 into real estate and explores some of the key benefits that blockchain offers the sector.

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How Arpeggi is supercharging music collaboration online with blockchain

Music sampling created our favourite songs, reshaped the music industry, and inspired the hip-hop genre. But it's broken, dominated by web2 labels who charge crippling fees. Clovis McEvoy speaks to the team behind Arpeggi, the a16z-backed startup that's aiming to fix it.

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NFT lending has powered $200 million in borrowing — can it transform the digital economy?

Net wealth locked up in illiquid JPEGs is a running gag in crypto, but Ekin Genç explores how handful of builders are creating DeFi-powered protocols to bring liquidity to the NFT market, and a slew of opportunities for the space.

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A blockchain use case is already here – how Lewis Capaldi and Ticketmaster run token-gated events

Ticketing is an industry with glaring problems, from scalping to fraud to scams. Ekin Genç explores how NFTs present a fundamental fix to a major industry and speaks to the builders working on scaling a technology that has already been adopted by the likes of Lewis Capaldi, Ticketmaster, and UEFA.

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Gamechangers: how web3 is helping sports lovers engage with their teams and create their own

NFTs offer a method for IP owners and creators to engage more deeply with their fans. Sport is no different. Randy Ginsburg explores how this $500 billion industry can use NFTs to drive engagement and create value for fans across the world and throughout the event lifecycle.

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