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Art and film define the cultural narratives which guide our future.


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How web3 gave Maciej Drabik the tools to build a life of creativity

Maciej Drabik has always poured his emotions into his art. But it remained only a hobby until he discovered NFTs. He speaks to Nina Knaack about how web3 gave value to his creativity.

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After Instagram, is web3 the next oasis for street photographers?

The trend towards vertical video leaves still photographers in the dark, and street photography has suffered more than most. Preetam Kaushik explores whether web3 is providing a new home for the niche, and whether their artists can find the recognition they deserve.

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Blockchain is letting digital artists work collaboratively – the new web3 collectives are shaping the space

Nina Knaack speaks to members of the Bloom collective, a community of artists propelling each other in web3 and helping define the fast-changing world of cryptoart.

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How blockchain helped goldcat become a Christie's artist

An illustrator turned digital painter, goldcat is passionate about the unequaled opportunities that digital ownership has given artists. The Christie’s artist tells Ola Kalejaye what she loves about Tezos and the importance of making art for its own sake.

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How Objkt became the dominant home for digital art on the blockchain

Objkt's lead curator, Cabline, is on a mission to promote emerging artists and welcome new collectors onto the Tezos platform. Using the power of web3, Cabline is making the art world more accessible, one NFT at a time.

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How Reuben Wu is pioneering a new artform with NFTs

Whilst touring the world as a musician, Reuben Wu found a new passion: photography. The multidisciplinary artist uses the concepts of time and space to tell compelling stories about the vast world we inhabit. He speaks to Nina Knaack about making art with drones and his search for ideas that have never been done before.

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Can web3 change film financing?

Traditional methods of film-funding leave much to be desired. With it being almost impossible for proposals to gain backing from big, studio executives, filmmakers are often relegated to low-value crowdfunding. Web3 is providing an alternative solution. Dominique Roy discusses Hollywood gatekeeping, and how web3 is making the filmmaking industry more accessible.

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How Cameron Van Hoy is using extended reality and blockchain to open up filmmaking to everyone

Flinch is more than a film franchise: it is also a virtual film studio and film3 community. Producer, writer, and director of Flinch, Cameron Van Hoy, is innovating the film-making process. His platform will give filmmakers and audiences alike the tools to build their own, unique stories. Mark Fielding asks, is Flinch the prototype for the democratisation of film-making?

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Agoria’s quest to show the hidden beauty around us

A‍n electronic music producer who has released five albums with Universal Music and Virgin, Agoria followed the freedom he felt in techno and ended up in web3. His pursuit of new tech in AI and a niche in biological generative art makes him a unique lesson on how to succeed as an artist. He speaks with Nina Knaack about his fascination for the unknown and his advice for aspiring creators.

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