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TED Vancouver 2024: The Brave and the Brilliant

This year’s TED conference, "The Brave and the Brilliant," brought together a remarkable mix of thinkers and doers in Vancouver.

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AI is representing the voices of the world’s 3 billion gamers

AI will disrupt video game industry Goliaths and usher in a new era for independent game makers, elevating cultural voices that the industry once shut out.

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Understand any language, instantly, with AI

Revolutionary progress in AI translation is breaking down barriers, improving access, and preserving the world's cultural heritage.

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Can moodboards turn social media into a force for good?

How can society generate more positive visions for our future? Social media is a natural place to start. Priyanka Kanse tells us how her moodboard media network hopes to change how we share ideas, connect with others, and how we understand the world.

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How Ethnology is immortalising stories of the ancients on-chain

For centuries, communities around the world have told legends about their cultures. Many are forgotten to the sands of time, and lost. Ethnology is building a community to immortalising the totems of cultural groups. Micah Ray explores their new series and speaks to founders Pablo Garcia and Matt Ashcroft about the arduous process of hand-drawing a 10k PFP collection.

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