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How Cameron Van Hoy is using extended reality and blockchain to open up filmmaking to everyone

Flinch is more than a film franchise: it is also a virtual film studio and film3 community. Producer, writer, and director of Flinch, Cameron Van Hoy, is innovating the film-making process. His platform will give filmmakers and audiences alike the tools to build their own, unique stories. Mark Fielding asks, is Flinch the prototype for the democratisation of film-making?

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Culture3 Time Horizons: Looking Ahead to 2023

The 2020s promises to be a breakout decade for web3. We explore the top ten applications of the tech to emerge in 2023 and beyond, and chart when they're likely to make their mark. Read the full list to learn why we're optimistic about NFT ticketing, music licensing, zero-knowledge proofs, and more.

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Mona opens the door to a new medium for architecture

Mona's aim has always been to empower creating, collecting, and sharing virtual experiences at the intersection of the metaverse, extended reality, and blockchain. Nina Knaack speaks to co-founder Justin Melillo about the evolution his platform and why virtual experiences are worth getting excited about.

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Make a song takes a couple of clicks now, thanks to AI

Generative music, so far, hasn’t left the same impact as generative art in web3 culture. Weav is trying to change that, making it easy for anyone to create a truly unique song. Clovis McEvoy speaks to Weav’s Keit Kollo and Mansimran Singh about adaptive music in web3, making tools accessible, and their plans for the metaverse.

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The Sutuverse: a game 15 years in the making, made possible by blockchain

With Sony, Google, and deadmau5 collabs on his CV, Sutu is now taking his own project to a new level with NFTs. The Webby-awarded visual artist speaks to Randy Ginsburg about his plans to build the next big web3 IP set through AR and gaming.

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Gamechangers: how web3 is helping sports lovers engage with their teams and create their own

NFTs offer a method for IP owners and creators to engage more deeply with their fans. Sport is no different. Randy Ginsburg explores how this $500 billion industry can use NFTs to drive engagement and create value for fans across the world and throughout the event lifecycle.

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