
After a career in financial consulting in London, Sig directed her attention to blockchain technology and spent some time as a Solidity developer. Her work focuses on web3 because she believes in the opportunity for curious individuals to unlock their creative potential. Away from her computer she is passionate about long-distance running.

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How to pick an NFT conference in 2023 – and why Twitter sometimes gets it wrong

Web3's conference calendar is more full than ever before, with 10 major NFT events between February and May. Signal explains how to pick in a crowded calendar.


How Anonymoux became one of the most influential collectors in NFTs

Anonymoux has built a reputation for spotting – and supporting – artists before they're picked up by anyone else. He spoke to Signal about how he collects, why investing in good people matters above anything else, and why “good things happen when you invest in good people.”


How Ebuka Mordi became an Adobe photographer with just an iPhone

Ebuka Mordi prides himself in his ability to "pick up any device" and create an incredible image. To him, what matters is 'how was this photo made?', not 'what was used to take this?' He spoke to Signal about the method behind his rapid success in the space, and why web3 is a much better place to produce his work than in his native Nigeria.


“I had to learn, no matter the conditions” — in conversation with No Hate

NoHate is inherently an artist with a societal message; one of inclusion, tolerance, and peace. With rugged determination, the former shoe-maker is forever learning and refining his craft as a 3D creator. He sat down with Signal to discuss his journey in the web3 space and how his eagerness to learn has helped him stand out.


“Culture isn’t something we can forgo” — how Four broke through to represent Nigerian culture in NFTs

Four discovered NFTs via OpenSea, but saw nothing from Nigeria, his home country. His mission is to change that, change the perception of digital art, and showcase Nigerian art and culture to others around the world. He sat down with Signal to talk about his journey and how he broke through in the busy NFT space.


C3 is a sole voice against tyranny, powered by NFTs

C3 describes himself as a political artist, his work is anti-regime, and his mission is to share what is happening in Iran, a country he describes “as the end of the world.” He speaks to Signal about his early mistakes in web3, his battles he had — alone on the internet — with depression, and his advice for new artists.


How finance and digital art intersects in web3 – in conversation with Mando and OSF

Mando and OSF have gone from ordinary collectors to community builders noticed by the likes of Snoop Dogg. They sat down with Signal to understand the secrets to their success, what happened to the 150 Bored Apes they minted, and what they think is missing from the NFT space.

"Vulnerability is not weakness. It is our greatest measure of courage" - Monica Lewinsky

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