Stani Kulechov

Stani Kulechov on why web3 finance and social media will change the world
June 13, 2023
Leo Nasskau

Stani Kulechov is one of the most important blockchain entrepreneurs. Creator of web3's most important financial and social media tools, the Finnish technologist and lawyer has become an influential voice on the sector's future. Via the decentralised finance protocol Aave, users manage over $5 billion worth of assets, and Stani is also the inventor of the Lens protocol, a decentralised social media tool that he hopes will become a milieu of applications, different platforms, and more deep human connections. 

From finance to connecting with your friends online, Stani has a deep and broad understanding of how the internet is evolving, and the role that decentralised technologies – ie: blockchain – will have in the future. If you're interested in what that future looks like, this is the episode for you.

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Hosted by
Leo Nasskau
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Leo is part of the founding team at Culture3. An award-winning editor, he is also the Chair of UniReach, an EdTech non–profit he founded whilst studying at the University of Oxford. He writes about technology, change, and culture.

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