Justin Waldron

Why Justin Waldron thinks storytelling NFTs are the next big thing in web3
January 24, 2023
Leo Nasskau

Justin Waldron has already built a multi-billion dollar business once. In 2007, he co-founded Zynga, and transformed how people think about gaming by designing social games like FarmVille on Facebook.

Zynga later sold for $13 billion, but Justin also saw the pitfalls of building in web2, where Zynga's reliance on Facebook made for a volatile relationship. That's what made web3 such an exciting alternative.

In this episode, we take Justin's insights from Zynga, like how to make a good game and how to succeed as a young founder, and apply them to his new mission in web3: Storyverse. If successful, Justin's plan for storytelling NFTs will make define a new category, alongside the likes of music and generative art. This is a conversation full of insight that you don't want to miss.

Our favourite quote? "How do you let people make a new form of entertainment with NFTs, with an IP that they already love?"

Links to the author's Culture3 page
Hosted by
Leo Nasskau
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Leo is part of the founding team at Culture3. An award-winning editor, he is also the Chair of UniReach, an EdTech non–profit he founded whilst studying at the University of Oxford. He writes about technology, change, and culture.

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